Our values
- Being compassionate
- Trusting each other
- Transparent and acting with integrity and sincerity
- Achieving balance
- Striving to have a cared for, happy workforce
- Focus on high quality care
- Actively addressing inequality in our communities
Our priorities
Agreed priorities across the PCN are to:-
Improve services for frailty
- Holistic assessment in a safe place
- Multi-disciplinary approach
- Increased social worker input
- Medications reviews
- Falls risk assessment
- Social prescribing
- Expanded home visiting service
Mental health
- Improved access
- More specialist services delivered in primary care
- A single hub for all surgeries for drug and alcohol services
Cancer care
- Work with community provider to improve input in primary care
- Improve coordination, communication and input into serious cases
IT/ Data Sharing
- Data sharing to be better enabled between trusts and with the local authority